
Growing together
by improving future value.

Management Philosophy

무한 책임 정신 이미지 Relentless Dedication to Responsibility

The dedication to our responsibility for customer safety and happiness is represented in our quality management, leading to the creation of infinite value for our society.

가능성의 실현 이미지 Realization of Possibilities

By not settling on one achievement and pursuing new goals one after another, we create a greater future with a persistent spirit that does not fear failure.

인류 사회에 공헌 이미지 Contribution to Society

We enrich humanity by providing better products and services to more people at a faster pace.

Core Values

Core Values


Growing together while always thinking and pursuing what is right.


Constantly taking on challenges and achieving goals in the future.


Exploring new ideas with a proactive mindset.


Growing alongside customers by supporting their development and success

한원정밀화학 로고

Core Values


Growing together while always thinking and pursuing what is right.


Constantly taking on challenges and achieving goals in the future.


Exploring new ideas with a proactive mindset.


Growing alongside customers by supporting their development and success

한원정밀화학 로고